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We believe in reaching beyond ourselves, beyond our borders and our culture, beyond the familiar. 


Calvary Temple is taking the good news to many parts of the world in many ways. One way is by supporting long-term missionaries who are involved in sharing the gospel in many countries around the world.  We refer to these programs as our "Shared Funding Partners". But Calvary Temple also supports missions projects that grow from the vision of people in the church.  This could be a short-term missions trip, or could be evangelistic outreach by evangelists who are associated with Calvary Temple. We refer to these programs as "Family Business"... and we want you to meet some of our Partners! 






Tammy’s passion for seeing young adults serve God and others led her to develop Segue, a student group at the University of Manitoba.


“Segue”, meaning smooth transition from one thing to the next, focuses on seeing students transition well, building faith community and addressing injustices like human trafficking, poverty, and food security. In 2013 Segue expanded to include Red Frogs initiatives on campus where teams creatively serve thousands of students.


Tammy’s heart is to disciple students and walk out the love of God. You might find her in the campus community garden, investing in the life of students over coffee, handing out food and beverages at a Red Frogs event, teaching a study or planning an initiative with students to combat injustice. Tammy is also a student at the University of Manitoba which helps in maintaining an understanding of the unique rhythms and challenges of student life. Her love for God and others is contagious and inspires others to search, learn and grow.







Anna is a Mission Canada worker who is passionate about reaching Canada’s next generation of children and youth who need to find their identity and purpose in Christ. Anna is a gifted communicator and motivational speaker who often uses her own personal story to communicate God’s love to students. She is desirous of seeing Canada’s next generation experience a real encounter with Jesus.

There is much at stake if we are not intentional about reaching Canada’s children and youth.  So many are heavily ‘at-risk’ of becoming involved in self-harming and even criminal activity.  She seeks to walk with children and youth, and their family members, to see them set free through the love and forgiveness that only Christ provides. Purpose, hope and even restoration can result when a young life is transformed, and it’s beautiful when it does.


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Bill and Shirley are global workers based out of Canada. They believe in equipping the local Canadian church to partner with leaders and church planters at home and around the world.  (Currently working in Cuba, Ukraine, Indonesia, Africa and China).  The Pipke’s are working in partnership with Don and M.J. Mann in developing two Africa wide ministries:


BCA (Bridging China and Africa) brings the Canadian, Zambian, and Chinese church together to reach the millions of Chinese workers living in Africa.  BCA will meet their social and spiritual needs through a cultural center.  The dream is to replicate the BCA ministry strategy across Africa.


CLI (Commissioning a Lifestyle of Integrity) is a vision to raise a movement of integrity across Africa that will counter the epidemic of corruption.   An integrity driven generation of leaders in business, church, education, professions, and government will transform the culture.






Shoaib Ebadi is the president and executive director of Square One World Media, which provides Christ-centred programs for all ages and audiences.

Square One World Media shares the Good News of Jesus Christ with people around the world: in languages they can understand, in formats they can access, and with content that invites and challenges audiences of all ages.






Investing their lives in Europe, Eileen and David Courey work through two seminaries in Belgium; one Pentecostal, Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels; the other broadly Protestant, Evangelical Theological Faculty in Leuven.  They see their ministry in three dimensions:

  • Shaping Leaders - Both David and Eileen love people. In college ministry, they meet lots of young men and women filled with passion and promise and they love to fan those flames into a blaze. Their home is always open and they have built great life-sharing relationships with young leaders that will grow over the years.

  • Encouraging Churches - Churches in Europe are often small and struggling. David preaches motivational, practical, biblical messages in European (mostly Belgian) churches virtually every Sunday. All over Europe he and Eileen have made friends with pastors, leaders and folk they’ve encouraged in the journey. 

  • Building Foundations -  David’s heart has always been to model spiritual passion, pastoral effectiveness and theological rigor. He does that as a teacher, but also as an author and thought leader with students, pastors and churches. Building strong foundations for spiritual vitality strengthens believers in this highly secular environment.






We work for the holistic well-being of families and communities. We know, it’s an easy thing to say, but much harder to make a reality. Through our three main areas of work, child sponsorship, community development and crisis response, we have seen how bringing several solutions to a community creates lasting change. When we provide parents with job opportunities, help them send their children to school, bring the family extra food and provide clean water to the community, their lives change!


At any one time, ERDO is working in over 30 countries around the world. We bring emergency relief during times of natural disaster and conflict, while continuing to help families overcome challenges of poverty to build stronger futures.  


Our child sponsorship program is currently running in 29 countries, and we have programs operating in other parts of the world through various ministry partners. When crises occur, these global partnerships allow us to extend our reach and respond to urgent needs, wherever they happen.





Gary & Marina partner with the Greek Evangelical Church to plant new churches.  They also teach classes at the Greek Bible College, which is Eastern Europe's only accredited evangelical seminary.  They provide leadership in the Internationals Student Program and, as a family on mission, engage students around their own dining room table.


Gary & Marina also support their Avant colleagues with short-term training missions in the Balkans, Tky and the Middle East.


Staying engaged in Africa is also important, and they now work as Ministry Field Directors, leading and supervising Avant's African missionaries.








Our purpose is to assist interested groups of Christians in presenting the Gospel to unbelievers and to encourage people to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our highly entertaining presentation attracts the unchurched and makes it easier for Christians to invite their unsaved friends.






Ian and Tiffanie, Emilyn and Sophia, are PAOC/PAONL global workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Ian oversees Global Student Center and dorm that aims to reach university students. They engage students through various ministries and programs that are offered at their center.  With housing for 100 students in the dorm and through genuine relationships with the university students off-site, many have come to faith. They are now connected in the discipleship aspect of Global and to the young adult church on site.   Tiffanie administers the ChildCARE Plus program in Cambodia. There are currently 12 community-based sites and 16 staff members that help to oversee 600+ children in the program. The program helps the child receive education, feed their families, look after their medical needs and sees them through to post-secondary studies...breaking the cycle of poverty. While the physical needs are met, lives are also transformed by the gospel through the intentional relationship with the staff and local believers!






John directs humanitarian relief and development projects and gospel witness in Africa and Asia. Their calling is to serve in the world’s impossible places. They have two children, Caleb and Emma. Their desire is to open doors for people to impact their world in ways and places they never thought possible. Their family is a witness to the fact that God can use unlikely candidates to do just this.


John grew up in Calvary Temple, and now lives in Fort Langley BC with his wife Laurel and his two children Caleb and Emma.  He is an Associate Global Worker with the PAOC.






The Azores Islands have the highest rate of school dropouts in all of Europe. It also has the highest rate of poverty and domestic violence in Portugal. Furthermore, with a population of approximately 235,000 people, only about 0.3% are actually believers.


With these sobering facts in hand, Jorge & Jacinta have begun planting churches, developing discipleship programs, teaching anger management courses to address domestic violence in families, leading Bible teaching in the homes, and developing a feeding program for impoverished individuals.


The goal is to primarily reach younger families that profess some form of religion but do not understand how to have a genuine relationship with the Lord. The hope is to see more and more people turn away from an empty religious life and hopeless idol worshiping, to enter into a fully committed relationship with Jesus Christ!







Joseph’s heart desire is to continue being God’s kingdom ambassador, sharing Jesus at all times. As Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations in Matthew 28:18-20, Joseph’s heart is for all the nations of peoples God continues to bring to Canada, and in central Africa.

Engaging with Newcomers to Canada, Joseph is:

  • Committed and engaging, serving newcomer families as they make Canada their second home to help them have access to their basic different services such medical, food, schools as well the place of worship and being there for them emotionally, psychologically and spiritually

  • Committed and engaged, sharing the gospel with newcomers and seeing them integrated into faith communities within the city

  • Committed to continue sharing the gospel through in the community, on the street and through his media channel. These missions serve local immigrant groups in Canada, as well as host evangelistic campaigns, outreach street evangelism, feeding programs, and refugee assistance in Africa






Over the past quarter century missionaries like Bill and Linda Mercer, Stephen & Heather Chaloner, Izirlei and Lenilda Guimaraes, Manuel & Agripina Bessa, and others from Canada have been working with the churches in Mozambique, focusing on theological training, pastors seminars, and extension program that provides training at many locations in this large country. 


These ministries are now under the direction of national leaders. 


Calvary Temple remains in partnership with these national leaders through ongoing support for the Bible School.






Paul and Lynn are in Slovakia in Central Europe to develop a 2nd year program with an emphasis in leadership for Gateway College. Gateway (which has been birthed and nurtured by colleagues Miro and Marta Toth and Kristus Mestu Church in Nitra, SK) is the bible college of The Apostolic Church in Slovakia. The primary focus and passion of the ministry is to develop young leaders to become a church planting movement across the region. Both will teach in the college and come alongside leaders to help build and expand the kingdom in this ever-so-needy post communist, post-Christian very secular mission field.  


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Restricted Access Nations

Creating access to places where the church of Jesus Christ does not yet exist.

RAN’s purpose is to make Spirit-filled disciples and plant multiplying fellowships of indigenous believers, particularly where a non-missionary identity and pioneer approaches/creative strategies are required.


We currently support three R.A.N. global workers.





​Since the mid 1990's Calvary Temple has been partnering with Pastor Reuben Nazurchuk to bring the message of salvation to the people in Russia.  In October 1988 Reuben was called by God to minister in this city in central Russia that had no evangelical Christian witness.  He traveled to Manitoba to receive his theological training and while he was in Canada he developed a relationship with Calvary Temple.

Reuben and his wife Lyuba now lead a large church in this strategic city as well as numerous daughter churches in the surrounding region. 


Calvary Temple encourages them in three areas of ministry: evangelistic outreach, ministry to orphans and rehabilitation.


Visit www.


Calvary Temple is involved with Arab World Ministries right here in Canada, as well as care and ministry for new immigrants here in Winnipeg.  We care for needy men and women through organizations like Union Gospel Mission and Canadian Lifelight Ministries. Since sending our first missionary in 1908 (Martha Hisey to Liberia) to this day, Calvary Temple has believed the Gospel is for everybody in every part of the world.


There are exciting ways to be involved in Missions at Calvary Temple. You can give financial support, pray for our partners, or serve in volunteer mission’s ministry!


Family Business projects are missions projects that grow from the vision of people in the church.  This could be a short-term missions trip, or could be evangelistic outreach by evangelists who are associated with Calvary Temple.  We refer to these programs as "Family Business".  What differentiates them from Fields of Burden projects is the time frame.  These missions projects involve a specific trip to a missions field, and finish once that trip is completed. 

Each proposal is presented to the Board of Calvary Temple.  The Board reviews each proposal to ensure that the  project is in accordance with the church's missions vision, is well planned, and is likely to be supported by members of the church. Once the project is approved the proponents can bring it before the congregation requesting prayer and financial support.


400 Hargrave Street 

Winnipeg, MB R3B 3A8


(204) 943-4551

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